Broadway Stars Alums Rex Smith and Carrie Manolakos to star in Love Actually Live
Broadway Stars Alums Rex Smith and Carrie Manolakos to star in Love Actually Live
Playing on the biggest Radio station in the world, Z100 NYC!
Hearing her song for the first time on the biggest radio station in the world, Z100, Manolakos listens as she is played alongside the most major pop icons or our time : Celine Dion, Madonna, Katy Perry and Ariana Grande.
Carnegie Hall Debut in 2020
Next Valentine’s Day, Carrie will make her Carnegie Hall debut, performing with the New York Pops.
Constantine Maroulis and Carrie Manolakos Honor Frank Wildhorn
Make-A-Wish Hudson Valley honored Jekyll & Hyde and Scarlet Pimpernel composer Frank Wildhorn.
Carrie Manolakos stars in IRENA
Carrie Manolakos stars in the title role of this first-look benefit performance of IRENA.